October 4, 2009

Humanitarian Nightmare

Here are few facts on Israel and the US-Israeli relationship (courtesy in part from the United Association for Studies and Research, UASR).

The UN Human Rights Commission declared that “Israel’s grave breach of the Geneva Convention, relative to the protection of civilian persons in time of war, are war crimes and an affront against humanity.”

Since 1967 Israel has been the single largest recipient of US foreign aid; while US Foreign Aid Law prohibits military and economic aid to any country that engages in a “consistent pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights.” – Sections 502[b], 116[a] of the Foreign Assistance Act.

By the late 90s, US aid to Israel was well over $77 billion taxpayer dollars; five and a half billion in grants and loans in 1996 alone. In 1996 Israel received seven times the US aid as all of black Africa; six times as much as the US spent on famine relief for the entire planet; $15 million per day; $628,000 per hour. In 1996 cuts in programs for America’s poor were $5.7 billion; aid to Israel $5.5 billion. US Tax Dollars at work.

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